Saturday, September 29, 2018


my degchi feels empty right now,
i have used the last of the bread slices
to wipe the leftover masala clean.
there’s nothing, nothing left to give,
years have tarnished the once shiny outside,
it’s time i scrubbed it clean, outside and in,
the stains are so tough, cracks will show.

they say good cooks don’t use chemicals to scour
their degchis, it takes away years of skill,
and love poured into the dishes cooked,
each dish a living, breathing experience,
built on what went before,
when do they know it’s time to hang it up?

i look at own old, greying crock pot,
holding it under cold running water,
feeling the cracks made by heated
arguments and unsavory relationships,

how long will it last? how long will i?

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