Monday, March 5, 2012

the significance of grit

should you choose to take one step back,
you will hear the deafening silences,
of this rift valley of your aloneness
feel the crumpling of your spine
beneath the weight of realisation
that you belong nowhere.

should you vanish with the warm
air current that lifted you from your life
and turned you into grit
that sometimes gets into his eye
no one would be the wiser.

no one would know that the plug
that supports your life support
actually is connected to no line,
that life would continue to be movie premieres,
shoots, photographs, writing assignments,
or parent teacher meetings and kitty parties.

they would wonder where you kept
the phone charger and curse you
for having kept important papers somewhere safe,
and bills would be piled up and needed to be paid,
the curtains would be unwashed,
and why would they care?

you absence would be just another thing
someone might mention by the way,
and would not even need words,
a shrug of the shoulder at the most,
otherwise it would simply be another stupid thing
someone said and would mostly ignored,
because something new had come along
and distracted everyone on the net.

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