Wednesday, October 27, 2010

on carton road

tired of walking upright,
i found myself sitting on the last
of the two rows of red plastic chairs.
then crumbled into tears.
it was only
when they brought in a woman
dressed in red,
that i saw the wood,
the shed,
the pot of fire,
the smoke,
and the people.
but they did not see me,
so i was content to sit.
later it was an old woman and then a young man,
more people wringing hands
at flames,
and the smoke got into my eyes.
an old man with tired eyes,
asked me what i was doing there,
'koi saga thaa kya?'
not 'who', i wanted to say,
ask 'what' had died.
and yes, it was 'sagaa', very personal.
i collected my defeated shoulders,
stood up straight
then walked home. who'd have guessed
so close to the neon lit cafes of carter road
there existed, a perfect refuge.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


i have extended my arms out
to the night, waiting
for a star or two to fall,
the sand beneath my feet
is smooth, even,
as if drizzled from some hourglass,
it feels cool under my toes,
distracting my attention
from the pointy blue stars.
then exhausted by the blueness
knifing through the darkness
i close my eyes, and inhale the stardust
i think i am ready now
let the pain come
it will last only from the time
i close my eyes to the blue
lean back and exhale, fall.
illogical, but i feel like gulliver
my hair now entangled in sandy fingers,
the back of the hands, the small of my back
and my legs bound,
the sand is cool to the touch, smooth, even,
fills my lungs so easily, quickly
and ears too. the last sand scratched sound dissipates
into the blue puncture in the skies.