Sunday, January 4, 2015

if i could paint...

if i could paint,
i would use my fingers,
paintbrushes cannot feel
that burnt sienna slithering,
sliding, settling into the grooves
of fingertips and between nails
before marking an impression
on the empty canvas.
i bought a smock and took classes
so i could feel the crushed charcoal
smooth underneath my fingers
and spread on the page
i practiced the delicate touch
and manipulated water to spread color
where i wanted to.
do you not see, my love is not acrylic
it is living water, coal, oil.
i need you to understand why  
i’m not a pristine, empty canvas
i’ve been painted over, discarded even
no spring colors will make an impression
you will see winter grays when my fingers pour

my heart out, squeeze dark colors of my soul.


i’m standing tiptoe,
and the stars are right there
aching to be plucked,
weighed down by their charm,
i’m melting ever so slowly,
helplessly, into a jamjar of verse
you penned carelessly.
elemental dissolve
some call it.
there are incessant crickets
in this suffocating, cloying
butterscotch stained evening
you poured into the jar,
and sand from the beach
that smells of aftershave and seaweed,
i’m drawn deeper into your cold
and crowded secret heart,
waiting patiently at the bottom.
i watch a bubble escape
my lungs, it can hold
only so many honeyed lies
i’ve told myself and you’ve told me.
your crooked smile,
has left its fingerprint on my throat,
i’m drawn to the starless night,

let me go. i need to fly.  


i live between two poems
iron out frustrations from uniforms,
sprinkle sighs on endless breakfasts,
clear up dishes, think of lunch,
wash clothes, get homework done,
shut windows to mosquitoes,
fluff pillows for my kid’s head.
sneak back downstairs, pick up
dishes, toys, books, a half-eaten apple,
and eat what’s left on kiddo’s plate.
if the mythical lover shows up,
i turn into an orange blossom scented houri,
if he doesn’t, i let a cup of assam seduce me,
and when the whole city is quiet,
and moonlight has settled on my pillow,
i’m armed with an ink-filled waterman,

i begin a raging affair with poetry.


सुबह बस एक कप चाय बनती है,
और टोस्ट भी प्लेट पर तनहा ही दिखता है,
आजकल हमारा घर कुछ अकेला लगता है.

अपने पीछे दरवाज़ा बंद कर निकल तो जाते हैं,
दिन का खाना ऑफीस के कॅंटीन से ही मँगवाते हैं,
काम में डूबे रहना ठीक लगता है, क्योंकि
आजकल हमारा घर कुछ अकेला पड़ता है.

थकान से चूर चाबी जब ताले से लगती है,
और माइक्रोवेव की बीप कहती है खाना खा लो,
टीवी की आवाज़ रिक्त कोनो को भी भर देती है, फिर भी
हमारा घर कुछ अकेला लगता है.

नींद भी ही जाती है सौ पन्नो के बाद,
किताब भी लुढ़क जाती है लाइट ऑफ होने के बाद,
खिड़की से हज़ारों सितारे झाँक कर देखते हैं,
उन्हे भी हमारा घर अकेला लगता है.

अपने अकेलेपन पर जब तरस खाते हैं हम,
पड़ोस से कड़वी आवाज़ें सुनाई देती हैं,
रोशनी को धीमा करके, राहत को तेज़ कर देते हैं हम,

सोचते हैं, हमारा घर अकेला है, मगर अच्छा लगता है.